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BiomethaneGaseous renewable energy source derived from agricultural biomass (dedicated crops, by-products and agricultural waste and animal waste), agro-industrial (waste from the food processing chain) and the Organic Fraction Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW).
BEVBattery electric vehicle
Carbon budgetThis is the amount of carbon dioxide the world can emit while still having a likely chance of limiting average global temperature rise to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, an internationally agreed-upon target.
CBACost Benefit Analysis carried out to define to what extent a project is worthwhile from a social perspective.
CCSCarbon Capture and Storage. Process of sequestrating CO₂ and storing it in such a way that it won’t enter the atmosphere.
CHPCombined heat and power
COP21Legally binding international treaty on climate change, adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris on 12 December 2015. In this report it also refers to the COP21 scenario building approach which enables full energy scenario development and carbon emission assessment.
Direct electrificationElectricity demand for direct use in the final demand sectors (residential, tertiary, industry etc). Electricity which is converted to other energy carriers through power to gas or power to liquids is referred to as indirect electrification.
DSRDemand Side Response. Consumers have an active role in the balancing of energy supply and demand by changing their energy consumption according to the energy price and availability. For example, by softening demand peaks in case of congestions, or by increasing energy use during surplus supply.
ECEuropean Commission
EVElectric vehicle
FCEVFuel cell electric vehicle
GHGGreenhouse gas
Hybrid Heat PumpHeating system that combines an electric heat pump with a gas condensing boiler to optimise energy efficiency.
IAImpact Assessment released by the European Commission on 17 September 2020: Communication COM/2020/562: Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition Investing in a climate-neutral future for the benefit of our people.
ICEInternal combustion engine
IEAWorld Energy Outlook
IPCCIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
LNGLiquefied natural gas
LTSLong Term Strategy released by the European Commission on 28 November 2018: A Clean Planet for all. A European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy.
LULUCFLand Use, Land Use Change and Forestry. Sink of CO₂ made possible by the fact that atmospheric CO₂ can accumulate as carbon in vegetation and soils in terrestrial ecosystems.
NECPsNational Energy and Climate Plans are the new framework within which EU Member States have to plan, in an integrated manner, their climate and energy objectives, targets, policies and measures to the European Commission. Countries will have to develop NECPs on a ten-year rolling basis, with an update halfway through the implementation period. The NECPs covering the first period from 2021 to 2030 will have to ensure that the Union’s 2030 targets for greenhouse gas emission reductions, renewable energy, energy efficiency and electricity interconnection are met.
NGONon-governmental Organization
OROther RES. It includes bio-fuels, marine, geothermal, waste, and any other small renewable technologies. The CO₂ content of these technologies are zero; they are carbon neutral.
ONROther non-RES. It includes mainly CHP that is used in district heating & industry. Fuel use can be gas, coal, lignite, and oil. The CO₂ content of ONR technologies depending on the technology and have been considered into the CO₂ budget.
P2GPower to gas. Technology that uses electricity to produce hydrogen (Power to Hydrogen – P2H2) by splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen (electrolysis). The hydrogen produced can then either be used directly or indirectly to produce other fuels, where it is combined with CO₂ to obtain synthetic methane (Power to Methane – P2CH₄) or can be converted to other energy carriers like for example synthetic ammonia (P2NH₃).
P2LPower to liquids. Combination of hydrogen from electrolysis and Fischer-Tropsch process to obtain synthetic liquid fuels.
PCIProject of Common Interest
Power-to-Hydrogen/P2HydrogenHydrogen obtained from P2H₂
Power-to-Methane/P2MethaneRenewable methane, could be biomethane or synthetic methane produced by renewable energy sources only.
RESRenewable energy source
SMR/ATRSteam methane reforming (SMR) and Autothermal reforming (ATR) represent each an industrial process to produce hydrogen with natural gas. Can be outfitted with carbon capture technologies.
Synthetic fuelFuel (gas or liquid) that is produces from renewable or low carbon electrical energy.
TEN-ETrans-European Networks for Energy, EU policy focused on linking the energy infrastructure of EU countries.
TSOTransmission System Operator
TYNDPTen Year Network Development Plan

Publishing Info


European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas
Avenue de Cortenbergh 100
1000 Brussels, Belgium

European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity
Rue de Spa, 8
1000 Brussels, Belgium


Alexander Kättlitz
Dante Powell
Gideon Saunders
Guillermo Areosa Bäuml
Laura López García
Maria Chiara Cavarretta
Nalan Buyuk
Olivier Lebois
Pierluigi Di Cicco
Pieter Boersma
Tim Gassmann

TYNDP Study team
Joint WG Scenario Building
ENTSOG WG Scenarios
ENTSO-E Regional Groups


DreiDreizehn GmbH, Berlin |

Cover artwork:
ZN Consulting, Brussels |


page “Executive summary”: courtesy of Gas Connect Austria/Monika Aigner,
page “Purpose of the scenario report”: courtesy of SNAM,
page “Stakeholder engagement and how it shaped the scenarios”: courtesy of 50Hertz,
page “Scenario results – Demand”: courtesy of REN,
page “Scenario results – Supply”: ©,
page “Scenario results – Imports”: courtesy of Net4Gas,
page “Scenario Results – GHG emissions”: courtesy of Amprion,
page “The cost of electricity”: courtesy of Gas Connect Austria/Monika Aigner,
page “Benchmarking”: courtesy of Desfa,
page “Improvements in the TYNDP 2022 scenarios”: courtesy Amber Grid,
page “Next steps”: courtesy of Edison,
page “Glossary”: courtesy of Stattnett,
page “Visualisation Platform”: courtesy of Fluxys,
page “Download”: courtesy of S.G.I.

Publishing date

April 2022